dimanche 22 juillet 2012

What is it with money & acquisitiveness. When we were first in Switzerand  Les rues basses, Geneva's elite glitzy shopping district became a magnet. First thing in the morning something I'd seen beckoned mightily and because I could, I'd go get it.
Money is strange in that it generates discourse about one's self. Many of us feel a twinge of guilt when we splurge-but hell, we feel guilty when we read a book in the afternoon so?!-as young adults, if we were not bourgeois we ranted at consumerism and favoured second hand. Then brands became and our incomes steadied and we hadtahave-recently read that compulsive shopping might be the desire to look someone in the eyes for a short conscribed interaction as otherwise we may have enough of genuine intimacy Money is not only visible in peoples' deportment : parvenu oligarchs and their consorts cleaning out high end fashion stores without a look at anything but fabric colors sizes; cashola bred in, hard-earned, laundered and circulating has lost it's guilted edge thank goodness
here in QC my generation and those prior had it inculcated deep into our worldviews that we were born for  making do with "petits pains" The new middle class and their kids seem to truly be enjoying their family lives-it's reassuring
As for poverty in aviva's neighbourhood the little people beat pans have small businesses electricwheel hobble amble trot smoke  beg and live their working class many without employment some chronically and our visits there are a welcome occasion to open up to any beauty that's there as well

Working in a design store-wake up with the image of a certain lamp, vase, candle, carpet in our home
Downsize those thoughts what instead I said And I went for peace, catching up on correspondence, nature-too much nurture these days easy to forget intimate connection with the "view" and the mountain per se
Indoors is necesssary to get thinking done and when the sun is out the air warm the wind rustling the water fresh
Finally ony 1-2 days a month suffice with ongoing mail check every other day-internet 3 X a week
Facebook once this Bog once a month
quality time to read
Money to fund lifestyle and leisure to seek with our souls as well

Surrounded with people who know how to express Love Who believe in Kindness
Do they wear this stanc as armour Do we all need to till we get it
Interesting Intellectually but
Changing my outdated views of Love as sentimental sexual An idea or an ideal
Aspiring to experience and practising Love

samedi 21 juillet 2012


Ajouter une légende
Lettre à CB

Tu m'écris il y a 2 mois de la fin imminente de ton année vous aimeriez, toi et ta tribu, l'efervessence révoltéé qui continue de s'organiser au delà du Printemps Erable" L'enjeu est la dénonciation du corporatisme et le discours (les anglos utilisent "the conversation" à présent pour parler des débats publics sur la politique, la culture, les sciences et tutti quanti un tantinet élitiste) Ceci étant dit depuis plusieurs semaines le groupe le pls trotskyste (dixit Doudou) entreprend la tournée idée de garder le débat ouvert pendant les vacances. Plusieurs ont perdu leur session; plusieurs sont mécontents et, en revanche le soutien de la population des parents d'étudiants, des artistes et célébrités locales, de certains anglos leur est accordé avec curiosité et caution Les casseroles ont résonné haut et fort

Parle moi de ta recherche et surtout des limites qu'elle t'a imposées:-) des révélations tant sur toi-m^que tes hypothèses renversées;  des zumains:-) d'accolades sur ta personne, de ta santé et de tes amours de tes vacances de tes plans

Aussi, si jamais tu ressens le fort appel d'aller vivre ailleurs, ne le prenez pas à la légère
Il y a des effets surprenants quand on va où l'instinct nous mènera
Avec des valeurs sûres et flexibles à la fois
La toute préférée étant liberté  Ensuite écoute entraîde politesse  

Nous reçevons nos premiers suisses dans 2 jours! 

Bye Bowinny