samedi 18 décembre 2010

Et la cabane au Canada And our canadian Home

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I Love Dominica Voici comment Voici why

Dominica, Roseau so vibrant with it's traffic of cruiseships whose cargo gets dispatched into the lush mountain spas or extreme hiking or diving-people who are place proud and eager to share their island-very refreshing. Life guarded by the Panchos 1 and 2 and their council of scary rastas who squat under a house to fry up the fishes they net 2wice a day, play dominos smoke ganja and drink rum. I just told them I was taken aback by their roughness and that it would be my wwish that they protect my property and make me love their country. They sure rose to the occasion.
Met many 40somethings called back home by entrepreneurial parents to give back to their countrie's economic touristic growth. The number of divemasters is higher than I've ever heard of. Some are excellent, some are too young-training is big in the toursim industry. Indian River Guides have organized and won excellency prizes for their initiative. Organizing stemmed from increasingly aggressive boatboy practises in Prince Rupert Bay.  Anchorage Hotel owners were made conscious of the needs of their harbour's own boatboys. As sailors boatboys are our first contact with Dominica. Farther N there just are no boatboys athough in Luperon DR there was a multiservices boat that knocked on our hulls to get work. 
The Panchos Sea Cat and one or 2 others at Roseau Harbour are the original kids who swam out to greet vessels 30 years ago! They have families, still live in oceanfront shanties while, as nowhere else the rich are up from the shore-Pancho 1  says it us because they don't wish to have to contend with the sea's moodiness and destructiveness.

One dy I spent 3 hours with a group of women in a rather fancy shop.  This was a great moment and the next day I hired a car and took one of them up on her invitation to comme and find her home in Warton Waven. Lunch was had at Trafalgar Paradise overlooking a gorge which these long foetoes was supposed to show

samedi 4 décembre 2010

Ok Je suis à JOur Déc 4 La Dominique

Marin Martinique La Dominique

 470 lb MarlinQuand ils l'ont eu hissé ce mastoche éructa une grosse bonite au grand délire des enfants

When they'd hoisted him the big fish burped out a whole tuna which made the children squeal for delight

Meanwhile back at the boat que celles et ceux qui pensent que j'me fais bronzer dans l'été éternel voient que je suis occupée dans mes cales à tracer des routes  et à préparer l'arrivée de mon Doudou

Anyone imagines that I spend days bronzing in endless summer rtake attention to my other activities, Buffing bilges, tacing routes and preparing of Claude's arrival

Regarde où je me brosse les dents!

Je suis la cochonne du Sycaflex! Impossible pour moi d'ouvrir un tube de quoi que ce soit et de m'en servir comme tout le monde-j'en mets partout   I have issues with tubes and their contents infaillibly messy getting it in places un predictable

Enfin largué les amarres après un chantier d1 mois aidée quotidiennement dans les 10 jours finaux En premier au mouillage OOPs trop profond et remonter 100' de chaîne est ardu-des frenchies font leurs matitunalités madame bronze ses little french tits monsieur boit son jus-et la chaine me file entre les mains je risque de les écrase, le vent s'est levé tôt, je cours manoeuvrer les gaz et reviens sur mon guindeau je tire je 'échappe, je progresse, m'étire, accroche avec succès, recommence tout le cycle et cette cha'ine ne remonte pas vite. une dame américaine m'envoire sont mari à la rescousse. Les autres frenchies du bateau qui ne nogue guère plus, vaquaient à diverses tâches et lui, dans son annexe...Merci Lee de Alegro de m'avoir secouru
Finally  was able to cast off. After first anchoring, realized that I'd done it in waters too deep and had a fight pulling up the 100' of chain . Various neighbours watched the show withot offering a hand. In the end an american wife lent me her captain and after 1 1/2 hrs of the chain getting away from me and my attempts to run back to ppwer up over it my successes at getting 20 ft up and the frustration of 10 getting back out impossible to stop it without crushing my hands.  Thank you Bateau Alegro

Vers Tapalpa

 Madame se mit en route pour aller voler dans un Mexique dit dangereux je ne connus que du bonheur mais la veille de mon départ le pueblo de Tapalpa fut secoué par un double règlement de comptes. Même le festival de la Luna a dû être annulé. And off travelling to fly she went in a Mexico labelled dangerous I met nothing but goodness although the night before I lesft Tapalpa a double hit within some cartel made the town jumpy so much so that their annua Moon fest had to be cancelled.

Home sweet home pour 4 jours de vols super! Thermique, dynamique et pour les crosseux grandes possibilité dâller jusqu'à Guadalajara  Home sweet home 4 days of great flying
Le déco de La Céja et la Laguna vis à vis la Sierra madre LA Céja takeoff site

Decoration at takeoff   Super cool la déco au déco

Leur mer de nuages    Their sea of clouds
Mexxxxxxeeeeco TequuuuuuuIIIILa

Ya des photos de moi en vol mais mon serveur les refuse Voici toute l'info dont vous avez besoin  

Les hôtes du lieu Arandu et Juan Carlos le piloto

Elle a faili acheter mon aile pilotos locales El médico, Beto y AnaPaula qui a du effectuer son premier grand vol depuis Lovcal pilots A great ambiance

Ana Paula and I visiting the week after we met flying Ana Paula et moi continuons une amitié en visitant la semaine suivant les meurtres Sa maman est contente qu'elle et moi ne retournions pas voler et au festival de la Luna cancellé

Plaza Tapalpa VOus voulez du typique! As typical as it gets and the best tamale I've ever eaten à o?u on fait le tamale de celga MIIIAM

La maman de Ana Paula et le chien Piston  Lupita and Piston